I am not sure how to add video to the Blog yet, but if you go here, you can see a video of Aidan just after he had pulled himself up on the coach. Here is a picture a few seconds before the video.
For once, Falene and I found ourselves with a day off together and no homework to do (Thank you Martin Luther King). Halfway through the day we decided that we were sick of being stuck in our house all the time so we decided to go visit the Alamo. It was neat to see a place infamous in history first hand. It's the place were Davey Crockett was killed along with 200 other people. We enjoyed brushing up on our history.
Something scary happened today. Actually about 5 minutes ago. Falene was in Aidan's room changing his diaper when she called me to come quickly. I arrived just a second too late because she said I missed it. Then all of a sudden Aidan, who was sitting up in his crib, grabbed the edge and pulled himself up so he was standing. It's only a matter of time now. It's hard enough to contain him while he is crawling all over the place, I can't imagine trying with him walking. Lol. Should be fun, the joys of parenthood I guess.
We had another ultra sound of the baby this week. He seems to be doing really well. They kept telling us how long his legs were. He will probobly be tall. And yes, he is still a boy as the Ultra sound technician repeatedly pointed out to us. lol.
Falene started classes this week. It is kind of a relief that this semester won't be as challening studying wise, but will be more of a time commitment. She is excited for her classes. She says that they should be interesting.
Well just want to say hello to everyone. We hope that everyone had a merry Christmas. We went to California to visit Falene's family. Unfortunately we forgot our camera so we don't have any pictures from that. We will have to ask Falene's family to email us some pictures and then we will put them up here. Here are some pictures of Aidan playing in his new toy that his grandparents got for him. He loves to bounce in it. Pretty funny. On a different topic, Falene went in to have her ultrasound today. We found out a couple of things. The due date is on May 29th, about 2 weeks after Falene is done for the semester. She is 20 weeks along. We also found out that we are having another boy. Yay. So fun times. We love you all.