Well I guess we have been back for a week now, but I just haven't got around to posting anything. We spent about a week in California. We were down there for Gavin's Blessing. It was very nice, a lot of Falene's family was able to be there and Mom and Dad Hough made it down as well. I am normally not a huge fan of California, but the weather was amazing while we were there. It was probably about 20 degrees cooler than Texas and without the humidity. On our way out we stoped in Casa Grande and stayed with Aunt Jean and Uncle Don. It was very nice to see them as well as Brandon and Carrie Jo. Aidan found Uncle Don's cane and used it like a walking stick the whole night, it was pretty funny. We had a wonderful time. Here are a bunch of photo's from our trip. Thanck you Melinda for the Photo shopped picture of Falene and Gavin. Aidan also learned how to dance, check it out here.