Friday, January 18, 2008

It's a boy?

Well we found out last week that we are probobly going to have a boy. The nurse got a quck shot so she wasn't 100% but she was pretty sure. Falene and I went up to Milwaukee on saturday. We had a great time. We got to hang out with Mike Skrivseth and Jared McDowell as well as visit with the Semrads and Palicks. The only pictures we ended up taking were of the house. They cut down the big trees in the front and added some landscaping to both the front and the back. Falene thought it was really pretty there and wouldn't mind if we live there. We shall see. I have been having pain were my heel and arch meet on my left foot over the last few months. I've been able to bear with it up till this point. I played basketball last night and after a few minutes it just started to hurt really bad. I'm kind of having some trouble walking today. Luckily I have a 3 day weekend so I am going to get some rest and put it on ice so hopefully it will loosen up for me. If I had tyo guess I would guess it is Plantar fasciitis. Falene is doing good. She is tired as always. The baby is constantly kicking her. It was exciting, I got to actually feel the baby kick for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Sorry we havn't posted anything in a while, nothing new has really been happening. We hope everything is going good for all of you. We miss you. Hopefully we can have something else to write about in the future.


Greg said...

Wow! You actually do remember your password to log onto this thing. The house looks different without the trees. I saw the landscaping in the back when I was out there in 2002.

(me)linda said...

I think your old house is so cute. I know Greg loved living there. I wish we could have walked through it when we were there. I agree with Falene that the area is beautiful. Isn't it crazy that you can actually feel a little person moving in her belly. I love that. I haven't really felt ours move yet, but I'm sure I will soon. Does Falene ever get on and check blogs?