Sunday, April 20, 2008

It's a Boy!

Well this morning at 9:45 Falene gave birth to our little boy. We havn't figured out what to name him yet so hopefully that will come soon. Sorry to those I promised pictures. I forgot the camera at the hospital so I will add some picture tomarrow when I have a chance to come back. The baby is 20 1/2 inches and weighs 7 pounds 14 ounces. So we are excited. Him and Falene are doing very well. We figured out his name. It is Aidan Christopher Hough


(me)linda said...

I guess I forgive you for not posting pictures. You are a new Dad after all. :) I can't wait to meet your little guy!!

Luna said...

Congratulations! your world is forever so much better because you have your son! Trust me they are a blast!

Congrats to you both!!

Diana Frederick

Audrey said...

I love his name!!!!! And congratulations to you guys. You are going to be fantastic at this parent stuff. Boys are awesome!....but be prepared for broken stuff....!!!

Greg said...

We are excited to meet the little guy. Congrats! Your life is now forever are great!

(me)linda said...

Gosh you forget how little they are at first! He's precious. I can't wait to see him!