Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sick Boy

Aidan is sick this weekend. He has a fever, cough, and a stuffy nose. You can tell he is sick because he just lays there. He also allows us to put a wet rag on his head with out taking it off. It's kinda sad. When not sick, Aidan is constantly moving and playing with things. He climbs on everything. Here is a link to a video of Aidan crawling on his hands and knees a little bit.



Miss Me said...

Poor little guy!!! Hope he gets better soon!!!

(me)linda said...

Oh man that's the saddest picture ever. Sorry little dude! Get feeling better soon!

Jazmin Morales said...

aaaawwwwww... so sad :( So we're excited to see Bob when he comes. hopeully we'll be moved with a yard by then! but we'll take good care of him. Saw the videos of Aidan... SO cute!!! Hope you are both well :)
