Sunday, October 4, 2009

"Catching crims, and locking them away, in your community"

Last night Falene and I were awoken at about 12:30. I had no clue what was going on. Falene said "I think someone is at the door". She had heard what sounded like someone pounding on our door and Bob was going crazy. All of a sudden we see a bunch of lights right outside our window. And someone comes up and starts pounding on our window. So we rush to go see what is going on. Falene opened the door and there was a police officer there. He starts asking if a Victoria something lives here and Falene said "no". Then he started asking who all lives here and looking at her trying to see if she was lying. Finally he says " sorry to disturb you" and turned around and walked away. There were three cop cars and seven cops all around our house. It was crazy. I had a hard time going back to sleep because my adrenaline was pumping. It was crazy that they just came in the middle of the night. We had already been asleep for three hours. That was our excitement for the week.

Well it's been along time since I have posted anything. That is mostly because we have been so busy lately. I only have two nights and Sunday's when I am at home with the fam.

The boys just had doctors appointments on Friday. They both have ear infections though. :( We found out that Gavin weighs about 16 lbs. now. He is getting big! Aidan on the other hand is gargantuan. He weighs 30 lbs. and is 34 inches long. He is off all of the doctors charts. He is also the biggest one at his day care even though a lot of them are the same age as him. It is impossible to keep our house Aidan proof. He will figure away around any barrier we put up in no time. He is definitely a handful. We think our boys are just great though. And in our unbiased opinion, the cutest little boys in the world. He are some pictures of them. I am sure they have changed since the last time I posted. Enjoy.


Miss Me said...

How scary for you guys!!! That would freak me out! Your boys are getting so big and yes, you're right....they are adorable whether your biased or unbiased...they are keepers!

(me)linda said...

Freaky! Aidan looks like he's ready to lay down the law though. Hilarious. :) They are darn cute. Greg and I talk a lot about how we wish we could see them more. Love you guys!

Jason Alisynn and kids said...

Hey! Beeville excitement. Glad it turned out okay. The boys are getting so big!

MomH said...

Love those cute boys!!! They are growing up way too fast. I bet the middle of the night visit from the police was a real heart attack waiting to happen.