Saturday, February 2, 2008

Help us find a name.

We came across a website that allows us to put in some baby names and lets you vote on them. These are names that we have just thrown out there. We aren't sure if we are really behind any of them, but we would appreciate your inpute. Go to this site. We are doing good. It sounds like the Target here is doing some shifting around of leadership so we are not yet sure were that will leave Falene. Her job isn't at risk, she just might have to move to another department. I also just finished my last session of doing practice interviews and hopefully should be doing the real thing next week. We shall see. Falene is doing good. Tired as always though. Bob and Dermit are doing really good to. Bob will turn 3 at the end of this month on Adams birthday and dermit will turn 1at the end of the month as well. He is close enough so we say he has the same birthday as Adam and Bob. We hope all of you are doing well. We love and miss you. We are excited about the prospect of seeing you all in a couple of months.

Chris & Falene


(me)linda said...

I like Gavin and Owen. Greg and I both liked Gavin before we had Miles, but my brother named there little boy that first. Any of the names are good though. Names are big. It's always hard for me to nail that part down. Hence, Greg has named both of our boys.

Greg said...

Besides what you have listed, Ih ave been liking Austin a lot lately. The name thing is funny, I did come up with Brenden & Miles but I'm stuck for girl names. We have one that I am liking right now but we'll have to see if it really grows on me like the others.

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