Monday, September 15, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Well the Hurricane is over, well actually it never started here. We were waiting for something to happen, but nothing ever did. The only thing that happened to us was that the storm mysteriously knocked out our internet a day before it actually hit land. Don't ask me how that happened. We went down to Corpus Christi on friday afternoon and went to the beach to watch all the big waves come in. It was pretty cool. There was a Coast Guard helicopter flying along the beach to make sure no one was going out in the water. I learned yesterday that a surfer got caught in a riptide and drowned. The sunset was really cool on the way home so I took some pictures. Hope you enjoy Ike in all of it's furry.

1 comment:

(me)linda said...

I'm glad that Ike was less than exciting for ya. Too bad you didn't get to experience a night at the prison though. :) We're glad you guys are safe. Has school already started back up for Falene?