Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sleepy Time

I usually have intentions of updating the blog every Sunday, but I usually forget or just don't get around to it. We have been very busy over the last few weeks. Falene took her National Boards a week ago and I have been busy with work. I went to Brownsville yesterday. It was a 17 hour trip which will be nice on the ole paycheck. Brownsville is basically as far south as you can go in Texas. Any further and your in Mexico.

One thing we noticed about Texas this year that we didn't see last year is wild flowers. They are every where. They are yellow, white, pink, red, blue, purple, and everything in between. Since they didn't get rain for the past couple of springs they didn't show up but with all the rain we have been having this year they are every where.

The boys are growing up so fast. Gavin is starting to stand without holding on to anything. He doesn't care for little kid toys, he only wants to play with the cars, balls, and things that Aidan is interested in. Aidan got to go to a birthday party of one of the kids that he is with in day care. They had a moonwalk and apparently had an amazing time. A couple of weeks ago Aidan decided that his crib couldn't hold him anymore. After about 2 hours he finally was tired enough where he didn't climb out. We came up with a new way to keep him in there, we tied a bed sheet over the top of his crib. He accepted this barrier for maybe a week and then on the night when Falene was in San Antonio taking her National Board and I was here alone with the boys, he decided that it was time once again to break free. I was up with him till about 12:15 trying to get him to go to sleep and he only went to sleep out of pure exhaustion. Gavin then woke up at 12:30 and wanted to be fed. So that was an interesting night. And of course they both woke up nice and early after I had finally gotten to sleep at 2:00. Since his crib won't hold him we went and got him a twin bed. We cleared everything out of his room and closed the door on him. After a couple of hours he fell asleep in front of the door were he had been sticking his hand under the door. It was pretty cute. We picked him up and put him in his bead and tucked him in. The next night he fell asleep sideways on his bed, and then the next night he laid the right way on his bed and has ever since. He even kinda tucks himself in. It just amazes me how well he learns.

Aidan is behind on his communication skills so he has been seeing a speech therapist. He just started but we like the things she suggested to us. Also he went and saw an ENT. He is going to have to have tubes put in his ears and goes in next month for it. Since it would be impossible to get him to hold still for the procedure, he will have to be put under. Poor little guy.

I'll put up some more pictures later(If I remember).


Greg said...

I made a fort with the bunk beds last night for the boys and Eve wanted to sleep with them. It didn't last too long and off to her crib she went. I'm not looking forward to the time she can get free on her own.

(me)linda said...

That's rad that he's doing so well with his big guy bed! I'm with Greg...that's going to suck for Eve. hahaha!

MomH said...

Oh, just like angels when they sleep! He is a big boy now.