Sunday, September 28, 2008

Same ole stuff

It seems that most of our Bog is just pictures of Aidan, and this won't be any different. The little guy is so cute. He is getting really big. We have started feeding him rice cereal (which he loves) and he just screams at us because we can't shovel it in his mouth fast enough. He did roll over the other day twice, but hasn't done it since. It seems like he is always smiling and laughing now, unless he is hungry or tired. We just feel really blessed to have him in our lives. Hope you enjoy.


(me)linda said...

I about died when I saw the rice cereal on his face. I can't believe he's that old! He is growing up so fast! So handsome. How's school going, Falene? We hope you guys are doing well.

MomH said...

I love the pictures. He is getting so big. Love the one in the blue stripes with his blanket. What a lady killer!