Sunday, October 5, 2008


Just wanted to let you know that gas here is $3.06. We like it. We are doing good. If you havn't already heard, I quit my job at Target this last week to allow me to find a new Job. I have a couple of things that might work out. Some of these are a School Bus driver and a substitute Teacher. I also have an interview at one of the prisons on wed. for a Clerk job, so we shall see what works out. Also Aidan can rollover now. He has rolled from back to front and front to back already. He likes to do it when I am not watching though. Well I hope everything is going good for all of you.


(me)linda said...

I fueled this morning and it was $3.69. LAME. Mom was telling us last night about your new employment adventures. I think driving a bus would be that weird? You'll have to tell me. I hope it all works out for you guys. Let us know if we can ever do anything for you guys. Love ya!

MomH said...

Way to go Aidan! Good luck on the interview tomorrow. Love, Mom